Analytics &

We make data work for your business. ValueAdvert’s analytic, measurement & insights help you evaluate the full customer journey; Right from discovery to actual conversions.

Deep analytics & Insights

KPI & Recommendations.

We ensure ad performance reports are shared with clients and all key partners showing scope of improvement and how we plan to do it.

Audience behavior & movement.

Audience Data & Reporting, Flow Visualization, Map Overlay, Mobile Traffic, Social Reports, Traffic Sources.

Optimising & Testing.

We discover advanced segments and audience thru data we collect and understand.

Truly data-driven strategies are made actionable thru integrated digital marketing techniques that are deeply connected with your goals.

ValueAdvert‘s deep analysis give true Insights into what is not working and then test solution for a way a forward.

Get Insights

We Act On Insights

Know Your Audience.

Insights on who are your visitors, traffic source and audience engagement to grow and gain most out of digital campaigns.

Trace every customer path and in-actions.

Abandoned cart, discount availed or page views we can tag even actions and inactions of your visitors to re-engage with different messages or offers.

Know interests & behavior

Learn what they’re looking for and what are their preferences. — from your website to apps — campaigns to social media.
Build Your Audience